What Do Chakras Do
What is Chakra. The root chakra is located at the perineum and extends through your legs and feet. Complete Guide To Seven Chakras Their Effects Arhanta Yoga Blog In a perfectly healthy person the 7 chakras work in unison to create life force energy. What do chakras do . The base chakra has the lowest frequency and the crown chakra has the highest frequency. It is believed that the state of our chakras influences all areas of our life. Chakras are an individuals energy centers that are associated with physical mental and emotional interactions. Chakras when translated from Sanskrit means disk like wheel. A chakra is an energy center. They are the openings in a persons aura that allows life energy to flow into and out of. Open and spinning energy flows freely through the body and helps us to function on a physical emotional and mental level. Sacral Chakra Svadhistana. It refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. Below is a list of the major chakras a...